Is my product is suitable for Influencer Gifting?
Whether it’s launching a new product or shining the spotlight onto one that’s been in the dark, influencer gifting has become a staple for many marketing strategies.
While some products are ideal for gifting, others may not be as suitable. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure your product stands out, truly resonating with both influencers and their audiences rather than just being another item sent out.
To help, here’s our guide to help you determine if your product is suitable for influencer gifting:
1. High quality
In most cases influencers are not obliged to recommend a product unless they really like it. Therefore a product’s quality is non-negotiable, so always consider whether your product meets top-notch standards e.g. has the best ingredients, incredible performance or simply tastes better.
2. Perceived value over price
When gifting to influencers, perceived value is key. It’s not about how many $ your product is worth, but how valuable the influencer and their audience perceive it to be. Aim for items that offer a high perceived value through their uniqueness, exclusivity or brand prestige.
3. Easy to mail
Efficiency in logistics is key. Is your product easy to package and ship? Items that are compact, durable and not overly fragile typically work best. Chilled shipping is now readily available however cost implications will apply.
4. Visually appealing
Influencers thrive on content creation, and visually appealing products are more likely to be featured in their content. Is your product aesthetically pleasing with attractive packaging? Products that look great on camera and have a unique or stylish design are more likely to be shared, tagged, and promoted by influencers on their social media channels.
5. Ability to demonstrate
Whilst a visually appealing product will generate unboxing content or product placement and a high quality product may result in a verbal endorsement, products that can be visually demonstrated in a way that’s native to social e.g. within a beauty regime or a recipe will generally result in richer, more engaging long form content.
6. Easily redeemable (vouchers)
When gifting a voucher or service you must be aware that influencers are required to go out of their way to receive, therefore it is essential to ensure the voucher/service is easy to redeem and worth the effort for them to do so! Influencers appreciate gifts that are straightforward and enjoyable to use.
Convinced your product is a good fit for influencer gifting? Get in touch with us!